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J2SECOPS WEEKLY NEWS: This week in the J2 CSC, so many data breaches and we are seeing that cryptomining is the “new” ransomware.

This has been quite a ride we have been on over the past two weeks, many, many data breaches, and many agree cryptomining is becoming the “new” ransomware. I believe the new business model will most likely be: finding all your data online through a subscription service, detecting it, and removing it. I was also really happy to be stuck indoors this past week-end, with the storms here in Cape Town, another two things I am happy to report, One: the Rain! And the second thing: I could stay indoors and catch up on much needed reading and research! A Very Happy and contented camper indeed.

And with this in mind, enjoy our roundup of stories for this week…

Want to catch-up on some reading too?

Both McAfee and Kaspersky have released research reports. Both are freely available and don't need you to surrender any details to access them. Some good stuff from the research community.
McAfee's report showcases new coin miner malware jumped a huge 1,189% in Quarter one while new ransomware attacks dropped 32%.
The decline of ransomware and rise of cryptocurrency mining is a trend that Kaspersky has also seen in its recent ransomware and malicious crypto miners in the 2016-2018 report.

McAfee Labs threats report, June 2018 | McAfee 
Ransomware and malicious crypto miners in 2016-2018 | Securelist

Top Security Concerns On The Minds Of Millennials

So do millennials have the right perspective when it comes to cybersecurity? There are clear advantages to prioritizing these outlooks, rather than spending more money on IT or worrying about the potential of a hack. Additionally, millennials seem more aware and knowledgeable about the nature of cybersecurity, and the digital risks that companies face.

The 4 Top Security Concerns On The Minds Of Millennials |  Larry Alton

A SIEM is a SIEM is a USM Right?

Most other SIEMs come with default content and correlation rules, which are useless because they aren’t aware of what data is coming from the environment. Since our product includes our intrusion detection, asset discovery, vulnerability assessment, and behavioural monitoring in one cloud platform, we can make more effective correlation rules that are applicable across our environments. We have the advantage of knowing where the data is coming from, letting us write correlation rules that will work out of the box. USM also eliminates the work of integrating and maintaining multiple point security products.

SIEM Content Engineer - Why Is It a “Thing”? | Kate Brew

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